We’ll start with definitions

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Noun: a blustering browbeating person; especially : one habitually cruel to others who are weaker


Noun: A person who is cruel to others, especially those who are weaker or have less power.


Noun: a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I’ll get right onto the matter at hand. Bullies! I hate them, loathe them, detest them even. The basic principle of someone with power oppressing those weaker than themselves incenses me. As a karateka, one of the ideals of the martial arts that I admire is the protection of the weaker members of society. We train to acquire power so that we can protect those who don’t. So naturally, my detesting of bullies is further enhanced by this moral ideal that martial artists are supposed to uphold.

Now imagine my surprise when, during an evening of darkness thanks to a power cut, I realised that bullying is taking place in o many areas of my life, not just in the school yards. There are bullies in politics, who use their political clout and influence to oppress the weaker in society, especially in the third world (think Zimbabwe during election times). When you have the police and military and media in your back pocket, and then proceed to victimise the people that you are supposed to govern, all I see is bullying. Just on a larger scale. In religion, more people have died in the name of religious causes than for any other reason throughout human history. Peoples freedoms are being infringed upon in the name of religion. Because I believe differently from the ones who have power does not mean my rights are any less important. Those who have made their choices should have their decisions respected, instead of being victimised and “labelled” (heathen, infidel, damned, sinner). No-one has a right to attack anyone in any way for what they believe. Belief is a personal and private thing. Please let us respect that. And whilst we’re on the subject, the thousands of denominations of Christianity that have sprung up, some preying on the gullibility of their followers, are claiming exclusivity to the path of “redemption”. I personally think that’s a load of hogwash. Say, for the sake of argument, there is indeed an afterlife in which there is a place for the good and a place for the evil, I sincerely doubt that entry to the place for the good (heaven, paradise, nirvana) will be on the basis of which church I go to. I mean seriously, there can’t honestly be a monopoly on “salvation”. No way. *Slowing down rapid breathing* Ok, let me calm down now. Religious bullying is the worst kind, driving people to churches because of a natural innate fear in all humans of the unknown.

I won’t presume to know much on these topics that I’m ranting about but I do know one thing for certain. If you have the power of influence or might over those without and you use that power to benefit yourself over and above those under you, you are a bully. I don’t care whether you are a pastor, politician, manager, world leader. A bully is what you are, no matter what terms you may use to sugarcoat it (Dictator, supreme leader, reverend, infallible, etc)